Indigenous Climate Action
First Nation Goods is working to support Indigenous Climate Action with donations

Impact of climate change on indigenous peoples
Although climate change has an impact on all communities, Indigenous peoples are among the first and most harshly affected.
It is crucial to emphasize that the threats that climate change poses to indigenous peoples vary from the threats that it poses to other communities in society, including the poor (in their entirety). This is because indigenous peoples share some characteristics that, in combination, do not exist in any other community. Therefore, they are extremely vulnerable to the direct impacts of climate change.
First Nation Good’s Pledge
First Nation Good’s has partnered with indigenous climate activists to spread awareness of the critical impacts that climate change has on the native communities across North America.
Proceeds from all Indigenous Climate Action sales go towards indigenous climate change initiatives and awareness campaigns.

PO Box 88065 Levi Creek,
Mississauga ON L5N 8M1